PDO Thread Lift


A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure in which specially designed threads are placed under the skin in order to restore your tissues back to a higher position. This placement safely “injures” your skin and tissues, inducing the body’s natural healing response which is to produce more collagen and elastin. Over time, the threads themselves dissolve and you are left with a tighter, smoother looking face. Requiring minimal downtime, the positive effects of a thread lift may last anywhere from 12 to 18 months.

What is the Ideal Patient for a Thread Lift?
The ideal patient for a thread lift is in good overall health, who is bothered by mild to moderate laxity in the lower face and neck. It is best for patients who are just beginning to notice some slight “jowling” around the mouth.

What is a Thread Lift with PDO Threads?
Polydioxanone (PDO) is a biocompatible material that is inserted into the skin to stimulate collagen production. It’s the same material that has been used for stitching wounds for decades. When doctors noticed the improvement in skin texture, collagen, and firmness after a sutured cut had healed, the novel idea came about to load this suture thread onto a needle to help place it under the skin, specifically for skin improvement. The insertion device is then removed, leaving the threads behind. The thread is pulled into place and trimmed flush at the skin. In addition to lifting mildly loose skin, your body perceives the threads themselves as a foreign entity that needs to be “healed” by ramping up your skin’s production of collagen and elastin. These are the bedrocks of youthful looking skin and tissues. PDO Threads are re-absorbed by your body in 6 months. The end result of a thread lift is a more youthful looking you with minimal downtime, no anesthesia, and no scars.

What is the Recovery from a Thread Lift?
A PDO thread lift is an outpatient procedure, with a recovery time of 7 to 10 days. This all depends on the treatment area and the number of threads being used. It may feel tender where the threads were inserted. Patients may have some swelling and bruising, but can resume most of their daily activity. A soft food diet and limited facial movements are recommended for a few days.

How Can I Prepare For a PDO Thread Lift?
Preparing for a PDO thread lift can enhance your results. Before your procedure, follow a specific skincare routine and dietary recommendations.

    Here are some easy steps to follow:
  • Cleanse your face thoroughly each day.
  • Use a gentle exfoliator a week before the procedure.
  • Avoid using any skincare products with harsh chemicals.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Your preparation should also include managing any stress and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. These tips will help ensure your skin is in the best condition for the non-surgical facelift in Boston and Andover, MA.

What Are The Benefits of a Thread Lift?
A thread lift offers many advantages for those seeking a non-invasive facelift. One of the main benefits is the immediate lifting effect. The skin looks smoother and more lifted once the threads are in place. Patients often enjoy enhanced facial contours without waiting for results.

Collagen stimulation is another key benefit. The threads prompt the body to produce more collagen and elastin. This natural process leads to firmer and more youthful-looking skin over time. Combined with the immediate lifting effect, this makes for a noticeable skin texture and appearance improvement.

Thread lifts also offer minimal downtime. Unlike traditional facelift surgeries, patients can resume most of their daily activities within 7-10 days after the procedure. No scarring is involved since the threads are inserted using small incisions that heal quickly. This makes thread lifts a convenient and less invasive option for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance.

What Happens During the Thread Lift Procedure?
During the thread lift procedure, the medical professional cleans your face to remove any impurities. They then apply a numbing cream to the target areas to ensure you feel comfortable. Some patients may also receive a local anesthetic for extra comfort. Next, the medical professional marks the spots where the threads will be inserted.

After numbing, the medical professional uses a thin needle to insert the threads under the skin. This process is usually quick and takes around 30 to 45 minutes. The threads are gently pulled into place to achieve the desired lift. Once in position, the medical professional trims any excess threads.

You are then free to go home, usually with minimal aftercare required. This straightforward process is why facial thread lifting in Boston and Andover MA, is celebrated for its efficiency and ease.

How Does a Thread Lift Compare to Other Rejuvenation Techniques?
A PDO thread lift offers benefits compared to surgical facelifts and dermal fillers. Surgical facelifts involve anesthesia, long recovery times, and higher costs. In contrast, a thread lift has minimal downtime and allows you to resume daily activities faster. The non-surgical nature of a thread lift also means fewer risks and no visible scars. This makes it a cost-effective option for many.

Dermal fillers provide volume but do not lift as effectively as a PDO thread lift. Fillers focus on specific areas, while thread lifts address overall sagging skin. The collagen stimulation from a thread lift improves skin texture and firmness. This dual effect combines immediate lifting with long-term skin rejuvenation.

What Long-Term Effects Can I Expect From a PDO Thread Lift?
A PDO thread lift in Boston and Andover, MA, can offer long-lasting effects for achieving youthful skin. The primary benefit comes from ongoing collagen production. The threads stimulate your body to produce more collagen and elastin. Over time, this natural increase in collagen creates a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Though the threads themselves dissolve in about six months, the benefits of the procedure last longer. Patients often see an improvement in skin texture and firmness even after the threads are gone.

Maintenance treatments can help sustain these results. Simple touch-ups like additional thread placements or complementary skin treatments can keep your skin looking its best. Opting for a non-surgical facelift with PDO threads is an effective way to achieve and maintain youthful skin without extensive downtime.